Our Stories Define Us

In the digital age, leaving a legacy has become more accessible and creative than ever. Holli & Robert's seamless approach allows you to craft a video biography with simplicity and ease. We understand the importance of capturing cherished life moments so future generations can relive them. We are here to guide you through the process of setting up and recording a video interview that will stand the test of time.

In this FREE guide Holli & Robert equip you with the best practices, including how-to's on camera setup, employing correct lighting, achieving great audio, and dozens of interview questions, all to certify that the video biography has a sleek and professional appearance.

We encourage you to embrace your role as an amateur documentarian and embark on this fulfilling journey of creating your video interview. Together, we can ensure that your legacy resonates with future generations in the most captivating way.  

How-To Guide

Ready to record your story or interview your loved ones? Take the first step and download our exclusive LEAVE A LEGACY How-To Guide designed to help you save time and jumpstart the process with dozens of personal biography questions and best practices on how to record the interview. 

"The Leave A Legacy How-To Guide helped me tell my story in a way that was easy, fun, and incredibly rewarding. My video biography is a gift I am proud to leave for my grandchildren."  

Within the tapestry of human experience, the threads that often shimmer brightest are the stories we leave behind. A legacy video functions as a time capsule, harboring the essence of an individual's life for future exploration. Unlike written or audio recordings, video captures a multi-dimensional portrayal that can transport viewers back in time.

Recording on video allows individuals to preserve memories, pass down important family history and traditions that might otherwise be lost over time, share wisdom, reflect on one's life’s achievements and milestones,  consider the impact they’ve made, and how they wish to be remembered. Video is a compelling medium for storytelling as it immortalizes one's character and voice, providing a more profound understanding of who they are.

As your trusted advisors, Holli & Robert passionately advocate for the documentation of life stories. They believe in the power of an individual's narrative to inspire, teach, and foster a sense of legacy.

How-To Guide

Ready to record your story or interview your loved ones? Take the first step and download our exclusive LEAVE A LEGACY How-To Guide designed to help you save time and jumpstart the process with dozens of personal biography questions and best practices on how to record the interview. 

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